Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Super 8

Ok, so this is a pretty new one we got the other day. I've heard some good things about it and thought it would be a good one. The story was relatively different than some others I've seen. The overall acting was really good, but the main characters are a group of twelve year olds. There was a cutesy little love story, some action, and then the whole thing was wrapped up in a neat little bow where just about everyone lives and you're supposed to have learned some kind of lesson... well thats the impression I got anyways. I'm really not trying to knock anything but a few things in the plot and the fact that the characters are 12. Overall I did like the movie, it had a lot of potential and I think only lived up to most of it instead of all. I will give them some props on the fact that they hit the nail on the head with what our country would do and that it was a unique idea.

We had a request to review this one. So that was neat. Also we don't really want to give to much away with this review thingy then. But it was a decent movie, I'd watch it again. The "kids" in the movie, I thought they did a decent job acting. There was a cute little love type story in it. and it was kind of creative how they made it about the kids, instead of just all this stuff happening to adults instead. Well I don't really know what else to say about it without giving to much away, because the movie is like a mystery. its worth a watch, as a friend of mine would say gets your mind cogs moving.

1 comment:

  1. YAY! Boxy has wanted to see this for a while now and i kept saying NO. :-) i guess we can check it out.
