Saturday, January 7, 2012

So I Married An Ax Murderer

Earlier in the week I watched this, seen it before a few times, it always makes me laugh. instantly i was text messaging the quotes to people, who just in turned responded with more quotes from the movie. josh was sleeping when i was watching it and i was laughing so much i told him that he had to watch it, turns out he had never seen it!

So I made him watch it and he laughed, Charlie's Dad in the movie (both played by Mike Meyers) is just too funny! The stuff that comes out of his mouth!

This is one of the greatest movies to quote. we have watched it 3 times this week now.

The first half of the movie is better then the second half, it seems to get a little slower. but its worth it. its to funny.

and I love that now Josh just quotes the movie non-stop. :)

I'm can't decide if i want to quote the movie here or not, but that is only because I don't know what to put there all to great.

Harriet: Do you actually like haggis?
Charlie: No, I think it's repellent in every way. In fact, I think most Scottish cuisine is based on a dare.

Okay, so I hadnt seen this movie before about a week ago. I always saw the case and figured it was some generic 80s type.
I really loved it though. Mike Meyers does a great job as the main character  and his dad (Stuart).
I agree that it does kinda slow down after the first half of the movie, but its still a good watch. And oddly enough the ending was kind of a twist. I didnt really think the murderer was who it was. So to recap, it was funny and had a little surprise at the end.
Now if I could only figure out two things...
How to get "HEAD! PANTS! NOW!" as my text message alert.
And whether or not it is publicly acceptable to go around stores singing "S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y Night" and dancing like Stuart...

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